👉Open xampp or wampp and start its server.

👉Create a database(in my case it is anjudb) and then table(in my case it is user) .

👉create a folder (in my case it is phpfolder) then create a file(in my case index.php) then copy paste te bellow code)  and go to the url  http://localhost/yourfoldername/.

👉This will help in clearing basic php logic . 

<!-- //connection to database -->








   if($con) {echo '<h1>Connected to MySQL</h1>';} 

   else {echo '<h1>MySQL Server is not connected</h1>';}


<!-- //connection to database end -->

<!-- //form data insertion  start -->





    $sql_query="INSERT INTO `user`(`name`) VALUES ('$name')";

    $response= mysqli_query($con,$sql_query);

    if( $response ){echo "Record Added Sucessfully";}

    else{echo "Error";}




<!-- //form data insertion  end -->

<!-- //Html portion  start -->




      <form method="post" action="">

         <input type="text" name="firstname">

         <input type="submit" name="sub" value="submit" >




<!-- //Html portion  End -->